Wednesday, May 11, 2005

cool app...

Easy to install, fun to use, and practical if you're constantly having to set up meetings with 3 different timezones... :)
The only caveats is that it only takes US cities into its settings (eg. for weather updates)


Mark Allerton said...

Like all good applications, it was on the Mac first :)

BTW, I am pretty sure the weather widget at least supports Canadian cities. I just fired it up (I don't use it anymore) and I had entered "Vancouver, Canada" and that seemed to work.

The reason I don't use it anymore is that Mac OSX Tiger has an uber-souped up version of this idea called Dashboard. The Kon guys did feel kind of ripped off by Apple though you can argue that all Kon is doing is updating the old Apple "Desk Accessories" concept.

Lil said...

Are all architects mac lovers ?:) I'm starting to see a pattern...