Monday, June 13, 2005

The troubles of blogging in China...

One of the things I discovered on my last trip to China was that I had a very hard time seeing various websites and particularly my own blog. I could update it, but I could never actually see the results. I ended up msging friends to check that my blog entries were actually getting uploaded. This is to be expected considering that 'Chinese censors scour internet bulletin boards and blogs for sensitive material, and block access to violators. Sites that let the public post comments are told to censor themselves or face penalties. '

Hence when I read this article I was completely not surprised...In a nutshell:
"Microsoft is cooperating with China's government to censor the company's newly launched Chinese-language web portal... bloggers are not allowed to post terms to MSN Spaces such as "democracy," "human rights" and "Taiwan independence."

1 comment:

Lil said...

well you can always log on to a machine in Van to look at your blog results :) And yes I'm serious. However in some areas i had more access than in others, and so I think there is still hope for you.