Sunday, December 01, 2019

Ten years later and i'm back!

It's been more than 10 years since my last blog - I can't believe it!

Since then Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, LinkedIn have all taken its place at times.  Plus of course my hubby (Nik) + 2 kids Hudson (6) and Bela (3)  + relocating to the Bay area.  I always wanted to live in SF (closest city to my hometown of Vancouver) & eventually we found a perfect community which we now love. 

I'm now a happy Googler, an often under-slept mom of two kiddos,  & am so thankful for my family , my job (working on the Google Assistant) & love exploring life with my hubby. 

Our motto since our wedding was to "Never Stop Exploring" (sound familiar? :-) ) and although this gets a lot tougher with kids , we have done our best to make the time for periodic family adventures (even if just down the street).

I hope to use my blog periodically to share what Adventures I/we get up to.

Cheers y Adios 


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